Initiator motif

The Initiatior (Inr) motif is a DNA transcription promoter that is similar in function to the Pribnow box (for prokaryotes) or the TATA box (for eukaryotes). It has the consensus sequence YYAN(T/A)YY,[1] where Y stands for any pyrimidine (cytosine or thymine). Similarly to the TATA box, the Inr motif facilitates the binding of Transcription Factor II D (TBP).[1]


  1. ^ a b Xi, Hualin; Yong Yu, Yutao Fu, Jonathan Foley, Anason Halees, and Zhiping Weng (June 2007). "Analysis of overrepresented motifs in human core promoters reveals dual regulatory roles of YY1" (in English). Genome Research 17 (6): 798–806. doi:10.1101/gr.5754707. PMC 1891339. PMID 17567998.